Goals Review

So I began this blog with four main areas for goals – diet, physical health, budgeting and more productive time. So how am I getting on?


I’ve been vegan since 24/09/17. It has been going better than I expected. I thought I would have caved but I haven’t. I started with buying two recipe books, and have now reached a stage where I feel more comfortable knowing what I can eat. I have also learnt some lessons around being vegan which I will share in a separate post. All in all, the vegan change is going well however being vegan and eating healthy aren’t the same thing. I have been getting way more fruit and veg, but I have also being eating junk too. It’s easy to eat more gluten and wheat when vegan and so I am conscious that this isn’t the greatest change for me either as wheat isn’t great for me digestively. So part of my journey now is to eat well and not restrict but also to be mindful of what I snack on. I find I can make bad decisions here.

Physical Health:

Since December I have been running weekly. After Christmas, its been 3-4 times a week and it’s been great. I’ve hit 5k, I actually go running in the mornings (totally alien to me!) and I really do enjoy running now. I’ve ran in the snow and rain and have really committed. That’s greta progress for me. Unfortunately I had someone hit me in the leg which resulted in a haemotoma at the beginning of February and so have been out of running for the past few weeks. Its healing well though and I’m looking forward to running again. I never thought I would say that, so thats real progress!

I’m also wanting to build up on toning and weight exercises, I have purchased dumbbells and ankle weights (I’m never going to go to a gym so home workouts for me!) and so now its about incorporating this into my routine.


I have now paid off my car! That’s one less debt. I still have debt, but I’m working at reducing it. Every time I have money leftover out of my monthly budget for social stuff etc. goes straight towards paying off debt. It feels like it is taking forever but it is progressing….

Better Spent Time:

So I can waste time pretty easily. With mindless tv and social media, I can easily feel like I am losing time. So I set myself a challenge to think about my ‘Ideal Week’ and make it happen! This comes after beginning to carve my morning routine (I’ll post more about this soon!) and beginning the year with a list of things I wish I had time for. I’ll share a post about my ideal week soon. As a result of thinking about my time, below you’ll see some more goals I’ve set. All in all, I think my goal setting and achieving is going well. Now to keep it going!

Other Goals:

Since I have started to make changes, I have also began to add to my goals with the following on my list:

  • Create my Ideal week and Miracle Morning
  • Spend more time reading – personal development and fiction
  • Hit 10k
  • Meditate daily


What are the goals you are currently working on? Are any similar? It would be great to share tips.


The Minimalism Game – My challenge and result!

So in October I set myself the challenge of completing the Minimalism game. Read more about it here. So how did I do?

I initially found that doing an item a day etc was something I easily forgot and wasn’t going to work for me which is fine as we all have our own styles so I began to group the days together which worked better for me. See my progress in photos below!

I ended the challenge with doing a major bedroom clear out which gave me my grand total and way over!

I ended the challenge donating 8 black bags to charity, shredding a black bag worth of paper for recycling and getting rid of old sentimental things which were gathering dust. I also got rid of shoes which were nearly new but not ever used. Competing the challenge felt good and just look at the change in my space!

No more randomly stuffed clothes/ bags and instead I have organised jewellery for the first time in ages! I went down from a drawer full, a hanging rail and a 5 tier jewellery box to this.

My dressing table had also become a hoarding ground and it’s now clear.

All in all, I’m really happy with the outcome of the challenge. I think the day thing didn’t work for me but I made the game work and got a great outcome! I’d really recommend giving it a go if you’re new to Minimalism too. It really helped me just begin to get rid of all of the maybes I’d been holding on to and I’m so so glad my space is now accessible and clean!

Think that was a success 😊

Have you completed the mins game yet?